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Creating an enabling environment for people with intellectual impairments

Picture of hands with different inclusion symmbols | © internet

Inclusive programming is a key driver for change. (internet)

  • Take time and create trust first for the person to feel comfortable with you.
  • Speak clearly and use short sentences and easy words.
  • Repeat or rephrase what you have said
  • Do not use a childish voice or exaggerate
  • Have a quiet and calm place for talking
  • Take your time and don’t hurry
  • Use gestures and facial expressions. For example, look sad when you are talking about being unhappy.
  • Check with the person if they understand what you are saying.
  • Repeat information regularly

How to refer to someone with an intellectual impairment


  • Retarded/ retard
  • Brain damaged
  • Dumb
  • Slow
  • Special ed


  • Intellectual impairment
  • Person with intellectual impairment

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